Fee Remissions and Pay Rates

Fee Remission

Per the UC-UAW Collective Bargaining Agreement, ASE positions during the Fall and Spring semesters over 25% (as they are in the Economics Department) qualify for partial fee remission. There is no fee remission during Summer. Partial fee remission includes:

  • Tuition
  • Student Services Fee
  • $150 of the Campus Fee
  • Health Insurance Fee (SHIP) -- graduate only, not undergraduate

Please note it does not include:

  • Non-residential supplemental tuition
  • The remainder of the campus fee
  • The class-pass fee
  • Professional Fees
  • Document Management Fees

Please see the Graduate Division Fee Remissions webpage for further information on fee remissions. For the current Fee Schedule, click here.

Pay Rates

Pay rates for GSIs are based on how many semesters (not including Summer) you have worked as a GSI in the past.

  • 0-3 Semesters = Step 1
  • 4-5 Semesters = Step 2
  • 6-7 Semesters = Step 3

 Step 4 = Graduate Division approval is always required. At least 8 semesters of teaching experience; must be advanced to doctoral candidacy; duties are greater than GSI Steps I through III

For pay rates, click here. The percent of a position refers to both hours and pay. GSI pay is salaried, so a 50% GSI position would pay 50% of the monthly salary at the link, and demand 20 hours a week. Reader and tutor positions are hourly. A 25% position is 170 hours a semester; a 40% position is 272 hours a semester.

Pay rates for GSR's are based on a step system, with the step of the appointment at the employer's discretion. Current pay rates for GSR's can be found at the UCOP Academic Personnel website.